Tuesday 6 January 2015

15 blogging goals for 2015

For the majority of 2014 I wrote this blog without wanting anyone to see it. I never posted about it on social media, never spoke about it to anyone other than my sister, and was constantly paranoid that someone I knew would find it. Now that I finally have Bloglovin, I'm starting to realise that there may actually be a few people out there who maybe like my boring thoughts and mediocre photography, and it's given me so much more motivation.
Right now as I'm writing this I have 17 followers, which I am over the moon about. But I do want to have something to aim for that will motivate me even more, so I've come up with a set of goals for 2015.

  • 20 followers by February
  • 50 followers by my birthday (June 28th)
  • 100 followers by 2016
  • 3 months of daily blogging
  • Create 3 new tags
  • 3 outfit posts
  • 3 food posts
  • Improve blog photography
  • Reply to every comment the day it was posted
  • Talk online to other bloggers
  • Be more consistent
  • More personal posts
  • 5000 page views by 2016
  • Be more original
  • Post more about music

I think what I'm going to do is at the start of 2016 (whoa that sounds scary) I will do an update post saying which of these aims I managed to fulfil. I tried to keep them realistic, I'm not saying I want to gain 1 million followers in a year, but even so, there's still a strong possibility that I won't reach all of these goals in time. Expect the worst, hope for the best I say!

Tell me in the comments what your goals for 2015 are!


  1. Hey, I'm just commenting to let you know that i've been stalking through your blog for the last few days. I'm so pleased you've managed to reach your february follower goal so soon into January! I actually really enjoy your blog and always read new posts when they appear in my bloglovin feed. I also really enjoy your art posts, i'm so jealous about how well you can draw, it makes me wish I was more creative. I'm almost certain you'll be able to reach your birthday follower goal sooner than you think! Well done and keep posting :) xx

    1. I don't know whether to be flattered or scared haha! Nah in all seriousness, thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoy my posts, It's so motivating to get comments like this! You have honestly made my day, maybe even my week! :) XXxxxxx
